Saturday, December 28, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Ethical Responsibility Of Assisted Suicide - 1274 Words
As defined by Merriam- Webster, physician assisted suicide is: â€Å"suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician aware of the patient’s intent.†Implicit in the term suicide, is that life has been prematurely ended due to desperation and hopelessness. However, in most cases Behuniak Svenson (2003) argue that suicide is mostly performed under unstable mental conditions of the patient and therefore any suicide be stopped due to ethical reasons. In general, the medical fraternity assumes that persons who exhibit suicidal characteristics have their decision making capacity compromised. To these persons, physicians have the ethical responsibility of†¦show more content†¦The first condition is that the patient should be mentally eligible to make such a decision. Secondly, the patient must be prescribed with a terminally ill condition and that such a patient has a life expectancy of six months or less. Such a patient must also provide the request for terminating own life in writing for the physician. Finally, the patient should also be a resident of the said state and of adult age, that is 18 years and older. The main argument in support of Physician assisted Suicide is that every competent individual has the right to decide on the manner in which to live life. That autonomy should also be extended to persons suffering from terminal conditions and therefore should control the timing and the manner of death they wish to face (Hawkins, 2002). Every person has the option to live quality life and avert any suffering and pain and be allowed to do in a dignified manner. Thus terminally ill patient should allowed to die in dignity without the need to face any anguish and that this autonomy must not be taken away from them. Proponents of physician assisted suicide further argue that the sanctity of life is dramatically reduced when an individual is diagnosed with a terminal disease (Kopelman Allen, 2001). Such a life will be characterizedShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia and Assisted Suicide1645 Words  | 7 Pagesphysician-assisted suicide are actions at the core of what it means to be human - the moral and ethical actions that make us who we are, or who we ought to be. Euthanasia, a subject known in the twenty-first century, is subject to many discussions about ethical permissibility, which date back to as far as ancient Greece and Rome. It was not until the Hippocratic School removed the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide from medical practice. Euthanasia in itself raises many ethical dilemmasRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma of Assisted Suicide for Nurses878 Words  | 4 Pagesin a way that is abiding with the ethical responsibilities of the nursing profession and quality in nursing care. Th e Code of Ethics has excellent guidelines for how nurses should behave, however; these parameters are not specific. They do not identify what is right and wrong, leaving nurses having to ultimately make that decision. Ethics in nursing involves individual interpretation based on personal morals and values. Nursing professionals have the ethical accountability to be altruistic, meaningRead MoreAssisted Suicide And Euthanasia Suicide1578 Words  | 7 Pagesthese difficult issues is assisted suicide. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) has been an important ethical concern in medicine in recent years. It is important to understand the various forms of assisted suicide, the legality of assisted suicide as well as the implications it may have for patient as well as healthcare professionals alike. When considering assisted suicide there are several different definitions that may fall into this general term. Often times â€Å"assisted suicide†is confused with â€Å"euthanasia†Read MoreThe Ethics Of Assisted Suicide1526 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Physician assisted suicide, otherwise noted as â€Å"PAS,†has existed for many years, however has made a controversial appearance in legislation recently. Patients’ and their end of life decisions have shaped the way PAS has been portrayed today. Nurses play an important role in the everyday life of transitioning patients, which places them at the forefront of assisted suicide. Nurses must have clear and defined rules when it applies to assisted suicide, and what they can do if thisRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide, When Is It Acceptable?1709 Words  | 7 PagesPhysician-Assisted Suicide, When is it acceptable? Assisted suicide had raised issues of great importance in the society particularly the most controversial of all, the physician assisted suicide in the health care field. Since Oregon and other states implemented the legalization of physician assisted suicide, the debates continues. The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1997 and the Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000 (H.R. 5544) have kept these topics on the policy of the national agenda, along withRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide As A Suicide1587 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"physician assisted suicide as a suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information.†The physician provides necessary information about drugs and patient performs the act of suicide. Letting someone die requires justification and involves personal as well as social concerns. The federal governme nt does not have any law on the assisted suicideRead MoreAssisted Suicide : A Controversial Subject1224 Words  | 5 Pages11/20/2014 Assisted suicide is a controversial subject that welcomes death over life and presents many ethical dilemmas. We are frequently confronted with situations that raise ethical and moral questioning in our lifetimes. Traumatic events, as witnessed in the cases of Terri Schiavo, Brittany Maynard and Dax Cowart, often leave an impression on one s mortality and fate. Decisions may leave us questioning our moral, ethical, and spiritual beliefs. This report will address the ethical implicationsRead MorePHI 103 Final1311 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal? Eileen K. Cordova PHI 103 Instuctor James Hardy July 11, 2013 SHOULD PHYSICIAN ASSISTED SUICIDE BE LEGAL Physician-assisted suicide has been a controversial topic for over a decade now. In today’s society, physician-assisted suicide brings so many ehtical questions as such, who is the true owner of our lives? Should releiving pain and suffering always be the highest priority, or does it occure for a reason?Read MoreThe Legal Ethics Of Assisted Suicide1130 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant reexamination and for the most part, experience continued support of the legal system. Ethical/Legal Model The issue of assisted suicide places the advanced practice nurse in a precarious ethical and legal position. While the goal of the nurse is to provide care for the patient and to provide appropriate and safe responses to patient requests, assisted suicide is quite the dilemma in regards to a request to perform acts considered illegal with criminal implications and forfeiture of licensureRead MoreEthics of Euthanasia Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pagestype of relief from this hardship, even if that relief is suicide. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is where a physician would give a patient an aid in dying. â€Å"Assisted suicide is a controversial medical and ethical issue based on the question of whether, in certain situations, Medical practioners should be allowed to help patients actively determine the time and circumstances of their death†(Lee). â€Å"Arguments for and against assisted suicide (sometimes called the â€Å"right to die†debate) are complicated
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Bhp Billiton Ltd Petroleum Company
Question: Discuss about theBhp Billiton Ltdfor Petroleum Company. Answer: BHP Billiton, an Anglo Australian multinational mining, metals and Petroleum Company with its head office in Melbourne, Australia. As per the market value of 2015, BHP is considered to be the largest mining company globally and in terms of revenue the fourth largest company in Australia. Formed in the year 2001, the Company was born out of a merger between BHP, an Australian company and an Anglo Dutch company named Billiton Plc. The company is listed in two stock exchanges i.e in the Australian stock exchange and in the London Stock Exchange as well. The companys global headquarters as well as Australian registered corporate office both are situated in Melbourne. However the said headquarter is in relation to the entire group and the company registered in Australia. However it has another office located in London of BHP Billiton Plc. The company basically is a part of the mining industry and also operates into oil and gas production as well. BHP has basically four main divisions of its operations which are Iron Ore, Coal, Petroleum and Potash and Copper. It provides employment to 26827 people in Australia which comprises of employees from its various subsidiaries as well and employs 41000 people across the 25 countries in which it operates (, 2016). The regulatory framework with regards tax is not very convincing for the corporations. Since BHP Billiton is a resident company of Australia, he is forced to pay tax on the entire income that it earns worldwide and capital gains as well after taking into consideration the various exemptions. The biggest problem from the present tax regime in Australia is that the greater the value the company creates in the global market, the higher amount of taxes and royalties it has to pay in Australia where it is operating mainly. Unfortunately, BHP is paying a tax of about 58 percent of the total profit it had earned by marketing in Singapore which were related to Australian commodities. Therefore in the past decade the company ended up paying for A$1 billion which was very disheartening for the company (IBISworld., 2016). Thus the tax system in Australia is very complicated wherein BHP Billiton- a multinational company operating and incorporated in Australia is bound to pay a tax of 30 percent. The country has a very broad based company tax regime which rules to tax the assessable income basis the territory where the income is being earned. Thus if the assessable income is earned within Australia then the profit is subject to taxes as per the Australian company tax rule and where the income is earned outside Australia, then the same is generally exempt from being taxed only if the profits were actively earned. But unfortunately in some circumstances the companies are required to pay top-up taxes to the government of Australia on send back earnings as per the ruling laid down by Controlled Foreign Company rules due to which BHP had to pay such top-up tax on the incomes it repatriated from the Singaporean marketing hub (, 2016). Thus the Australian tax rules and regulations has impacted BHP in a major way wherein it has ended up paying much more than just 30 percent of the total earnings as tax (, 2017). A major assessment of the same is undertaken by BHP Billiton Iron Ore so as to understand the implications on Matters of National Environmental Significance since it is mainly into performing operations into the iron ore and oil and gas segments which pose major threats to the safety of the environment. They are reviewing the said arrangements which are connected with the expansion of the new iron ore mines, the road and rail network attached to such a development, the expansion of the mines which are already running and activities in relation to closing down of the existing operative mines. Therefore in the year 2012, BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd. signed an conformity with the Australian Government to ensure undertaking of a strategic evaluation of the implication of the development of iron ore mines in future and the various infrastructure attached to it in the Pilbara region of Western Australia with regards the National Environmental Significance. The said agreement was formulat ed in accordance with Section 146(1) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity conservation Act 1999 which help to evaluate the implications of executing the actions as per the policy. BHP Billiton Iron Ore continues to develop more iron ore mines and the attached infrastructure to these mines and also to uphold the present Pilbara business in upcoming time period as well. The impact of the said agreement is that it would give capacity to take into account the total implications in the Pilbara region and thus help gain the landscape scale environmental outcomes which would comprise of the submission of an efficient approach to manage the surrounding and important offsets as well. Therefore the said agreement signed by BHP will have an implication on the company to the extent that it will have to ensure that all its activities are undertaken after due consideration of the agreement and the fact that no provisions are ignored or not adhered to (Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, 2012). Thus, BHP Billiton, one of the largest mining company of Australia is a multinational corporation operating in various countries smoothly. However the Australian regulatory framework with regards the taxation issues are so complicated that the company is often seen giving tax much more than the prescribed percentage and in some cases is even taxed twice. Lastly, in order to safeguard itself from the potential environmental hazards, the company is entering into various agreements and arrangements so as to be able to comply with them along with continuing its expansion policies with ease. The segment in which BHP operates is very sensitive towards the environment in which it dwells as mining causes a lot of environmental hazards which needs to be taken care of in a strategic manner. References: Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, (2012), Strategic Assessment of BHP Billiton iron ore expansion for the Pilbara, Available at (Accessed 26th April 2017), (2016), Taxation in Australia, Available at (Accessed 26th April 2017) IBISworld., (2016), BHP Billiton Limited- Premium Company Report Australia, Available at (Accessed 26th April 2017)`, (2017), Corporate Multinational Taxation, Available at (Accessed 26th April 2017), (2016), Number of Employees at BHP Billiton from 2012 to 2016 by region, Available at (Accessed 26th April 2017)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Dramatic Methods Essay Paper Example For Students
Dramatic Methods Essay Paper Analyse the dramatic qualities of Mr. Birlings speech on pages 9/10 of Act1 of An Inspector Calls and the Inspector Gooles speech on page 56 of Act 3. Your analysis must me related to the dramatic methods Priestly uses and their impact on the audience then and now. You must also show an understanding of the historical and social context of the play and demonstrate how this might help shape the audience responses to the key scenes and to the play as a whole. An Inspector Calls is a heart-rending, tragic play written by the author JB Priestly in 1944 but set in 1912. Priestly deliberately set this play in 1912, because in this period, society was very different from the society he was writing about. Priestly was a socialist himself, he wanted to make a change between the divided classes. The play covers a variety of themes, including socialism, capitalism and responsibility. The two main characters in this play who show the idea of socialism and capitalism are Mr. Birling and the Inspector. The speech on page 9-10 of the play which is said by Mr. Birling shows the capitalist attitude. In this scene the Birling family are celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling to a well- educated Gerald Croft and this wedding will result in two very successful businesses coming together. Mr. Birlings character is depicted as an obnoxious, stubborn and self obsessed man. Mr Birling comes across as a show-off in the first act where the engagement scene is commencing. Firstly he gets rid of the women in the room and before he gives his famous lecture on how he feels about the community and socialists including HG Wells and George Bernard Shaw, Mr Birling sits and talks in a formal manner with his back straight and a class of wine in his hand. Priestly in this scene shows how serious Mr. Birling is and how powerful he feels. Priestly shows this seriousness through the way Mr. Birling speaks; there are a lot of dashes in his speech, allowing Mr. Birling to stop and pause to think. Every now and again Mr. Birling looks at his son and son in law to see if they are paying attention. Mr. Birling puts forward his views on how he believes a man should look after himself. Arthur Birling is portrayed as a Heavy looking man, rather portentous in his middle fifties but rather provincial in his speech. He believes When things are so much easier a man has to make his own way; has to look after himself and his family too of course. Mr. Birling is very patronizing when talking to you youngsters. He intimidates Gerald and Eric Mr. Birling is one of those people who like to talk a lot. His conversation starts to tell us that hes rather proud of his achievements, and success, this is portrayed throughout the whole of the play. He boasts about having been the mayor and that he might be on his way to having a knighthood. I might find my way into the next Honours list. Furthermore, Mr Birling is also very proud of his country, he is optimistic about the future. Im talking as a hard-headed, practical man of business. I say there isnt a chance of war Look at the progress were making well have aeroplanes that will be able to take us anywhere The Titanic she sails next week absolutely unsinkable. Here the Audience would begin to doubt his judgement, because the audience watching would already know that the Titanic was a tragedy and that two world wars occurred. Priestly uses dramatic irony to show Mr Birling as an unwise man and this shows how very narrow minded Mr. Birling is. Gerald Croft and Eric Birling his son are listening to this lecture. Mr Birling shows that he has no consideration for the poor; he thinks everybody should just look after themselves. .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .postImageUrl , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:hover , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:visited , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:active { border:0!important; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:active , .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1cccfd958ce97b160d135bc147225a0f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Dramatic Effects Used By Miller EssayHe ridicules those who disagree with him and those who act As if we were all mixed up like bees in a hive- community and all that nonsense. Mr. Birling seems a cold hearted businessman who only cares about money and as long as he and his family are okay there is nothing to worry about. Mr Birling also clearly states that he doesnt like the socialists who are around. He refers to them as cranks, people who do all the talking. The audience will probably be thinking if they agree with Mr. Birling at this moment or not. I personally think that if a younger audience was to watch this play they would agree with Mr. Birling because today society is more or less as Mr. Birling describes. However if we look at an audience who are older and grew up at that time, they will more or less disagree with what Mr. Birling says, as society in those times were hard and people cared about each other and left more of a community spirit. Violence was much less prolific and therefore people enjoyed other peoples company. Young children were allowed out without their parents worrying about them being kidnapped or raped or even murdered. As soon as Mr Birling has said a man has to look after himself and his own family there is a knock at the door, the timing is crucial. The Inspector is shown as a very mysterious and odd like figure throughout the whole play. The Inspector has many messages to share throughout his last speech. He gives the message that one Eva smith has gone- but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths. Here the Inspector is telling the Birling family that although one Eva Smith has died, there are plenty more Eva Smiths and John Smiths in the world. In this speech Priestly is referring to John as Adam. The children of Adam and Eve are everybody on Earth, and in the play one of the children of Adam and Eve has committed suicide due to others being self centred. The Inspector starts off his speech with but remember this. He has a calmer way of delivering out his speech than Mr. Birling did; also earlier Inspector Goole is described on his entrance as having an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness. He is a man in his fifties, dressed in a plain darkish suit. He speaks carefully and weightily. The audience would know straight away that he will have different views to those of Arthur Birling. The Inspector and Mr. Birling are contrasting characters. We dont live alone. We are members of one body says the Inspector. Here Priestly is saying the exact opposite to what Mr. Birling considered as LIFE, demonstrating Priestleys own views of socialism. I think that the Inspector is more of a God like figure as he has Christian views and I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. This quote is warning that if we do not learn charity in this life now, we will pay for in our afterlife. The inspector could be Priestly who was a socialist and was a strong Christian, or the inspector could be speakers for God or the voice of God or maybe a ghost. We are not told but personally I think that its Priestly because he had very strong views on socialism. I think that the audience must have been affected by this speech, as in the year 1944 when this play was written the audience would usually be made up of upper class or middle class people, as poor people would not be able to afford to watch the play. .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .postImageUrl , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:hover , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:visited , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:active { border:0!important; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:active , .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u86d147f5b6a859024c5842078dc3a0ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeares Hamlet EssayI think that people would be more like Mr. Birling and at this point they would have mixed emotions as the play sets out to teach them much. The fact that if we dont care about each other or have any responsibility for each other, then life is going to be hard and many more people will die due to the selfishness of some people who have more money but who are not prepared to share. Also that if you are greedy in your life you will be punished by God in your after life than enough and this is another message which is given in the play. Furthermore, I think that the theme of responsibility is clearly shown, as every character is made to feel the death of Eva Smith in some way. I think that it affects Sheila and Eric more who feel quite responsible. Just remember- it was you who killed Eva Smith. The inspector points his finger at everybody and wants them all to feel responsible for the death of Eva Smith. Responsibility is one of the main themes. I personally think this is emphasised thorough the Inspectors last speech. .. With their lives, their hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness, all intertwined with our lives We are members of one body. We are responsible for EACH OTHER in this quote taken from the Inspectors speech on page 56 it shows that responsibility is the only way to make the world a happier place. I think that Priestly has chosen to set his play in the year 1912 before the Titanic had sunk to show how VERY foolish Mr. Birling is. When Priestly wrote this play it was after the end of the Second World War. 55 million people died and still the world carried on the way it had been before the wars. This is why I think Priestly has set the play in an earlier time to show the audience that even after the deaths of many innocent people; we still refuse to change or to take responsibility for each other. This play was first performed in a theatre in Moscow, as it couldnt be performed in London at that time because of the effects of the Blitz. I think that Priestly did this on purpose as then the audience could see in to the future and see a more positive society. In my opinion I think that the play has a message for everybody. That being responsible will not only make you a better person as a whole and give you a peaceful afterlife but will also help all the Eva and John Smiths in the world, because there are many millions and millions and millions of people like John and Eva as the Inspector stated on page 56/57 of the play An Inspector Calls. An Inspector calls is about community and responsibility, with many themes such as morality, capitalism, responsibility and socialism.
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